Saturday, June 09, 2018

15 Diagrams That Describe How A Book Is Made

EbookFriendly: 15 diagrams that show how a book is made

The diagrams and charts collected below show the art of bookbinding – the art of making a book an object of desire.

Some of us read on a Kindle or tablet because it’s convenient. However, there is probably no reader who is not addicted to the magic of a print book.

For ages, print books were tempting with the unforgettable smell, the beauty of a cover, or the subtle typography of chapter titles. These separate virtues needed to be bound together to create the ultimate magic of the book.

The diagrams listed below are simple and technical, but they describe the stage where the magic happens – the binding of the book.

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WNU Editor: This is (sadly) going to be history one day, and the day of making a printed book will be a limited and specialized art.

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