Saturday, January 12, 2019

Remembering Charles Dickens’s First Visit To New York

Douglas Muzzio, City Journal: When Boz Came to Town

Remembering Charles Dickens’s first visit to New York

On February 12, 1842, after a triumphal three-week stay in Boston and gala receptions and dinners in Worcester, Springfield, and Hartford, Charles Dickens—universally known by his pseudonym, “Boz”—landed at South Street in lower Manhattan on the packet New York from New Haven. When he stepped off the boat with his wife, Catherine (Kate), Dickens was greeted by a throng of cheering admirers, whom the New York Herald described as “perfectly whirlwindish . . . a promiscuous assemblage of bipeds that covered the dock as barnacles a ship’s bottom.” The paper crowed: “At last Boz breathes the balmy atmosphere of the Queen City of the Empire State.”

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WNU Editor: You can browse and download the works by Charles Dickens from here.

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